According to the Federal Ministry for the Economy, the odometer reading and the description of the work must always be forwarded to Car-Pass, except in the case of lettering.

Lettering refers to sticking stickers on the vehicle that mainly contain letters or numbers but do not completely change the appearance or original colour of the vehicle. For example: company contact details or company name, website, small logo, etc. without the use of a foil or background sticker on the bodywork or any part of it. This type of lettering can be done without advanced technical knowledge and consists of applying the company information to the vehicle. The aim in this case is not to change the appearance or colour of the vehicle in general. Rather, the intention is for the company in question to identify itself for advertising purposes and make itself known. This type of sticker can even be ordered on the internet and attached by anyone.

Any activity involving the application of stickers that consists of more than these basic elements is therefore vehicle wrapping and is subject to the legal obligation to report the odometer and a description of the works to Car-Pass.

The activity of vehicle wrapping corresponds to the application of self-adhesive foil or vinyl to the vehicle, which significantly changes the basic colour of the bodywork or windows. These can be used over the entire vehicle or a significant portion of it. This type of work requires a certain know-how and more advanced technique. Car wrapping (or covering) is a technique used in the bodywork sector for the partial covering or total covering of a vehicle. Matte, metallic, glossy or pearly, it gives you a unique vehicle. These foils are typically applied to multiple areas of the bodywork and often require the vehicle to be opened for a proper finish. These works change the general appearance of the vehicle and/or its original colour, completely or partially.

Use the standard description “Bodywork_Other” when entering the description of the works and then record “vehicle wrapping”.

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