Make sure you read our FAQ

Welcome to our FAQ Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Car-Pass. You can also use our handy search function.

An error on your Car-Pass

Of course it is always possible that a garage makes a mistake or a typo when entering the odometer reading or the description of the works. Do you think there is an error on your Car-Pass? You can request a rectification. We aim to deal with your query within the week.

Did you buy a Belgian vehicle abroad?

Belgian vehicles have a good reputation and are often exported to other countries. Unfortunately, the odometer is sometimes rolled back when exporting. If you want to check whether the current odometer reading of the vehicle is correct, fill in the online form. We cannot answer your question by telephone or e-mail.

I live in Belgium

I live abroad


Our contact details
02 773 50 56

Available by phone:
from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm and
from 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm (Friday until 4:30 pm)

Car-Pass asbl
Bd. de la Woluwe 46/2
1200 Bruxelles
